Ben Coker:
Instrument: Drums Age: 17 Hair: Blonde Eyes:Blue Middle Name:David Shoe
Size: Status: Taken Favorite Band:Korn Favorite Color:Red Favorite Food:Pizza Favorite Movie:Braveheart If
you could drop one person off the face of the planet, who would it be? If you could tell the world one thing about yourself,
what would you tell them? Favorite Thing to do indoors? Band Practice Outdoors? Baseball If you could give yourself
a nickname, what would it be?JD What's your dream job? Pro Muscian Who's your best friend? John and Aaron If you
could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Johnathon Davis from KORN Who inspires you? both of my granddads What
color is your bathroom? White Glass half empty or Half Full? glass half full Stupidest thing you've ever done? I was
in yellowstone park, and we hiked up a mountain looking for grizzleys and we found one and it wasn't happy, so we were running
down the mountian to the truck, lol. Worst Grades?7 Best Scar? Broken Collar Bone Most Outrageous quote? They can
take our lives, but they can never take our freedom. -Mel Gibson, Braveheart The one thing you're overly anal about? Getting
thumped in the ear. First thing you remember about when you were a kid? sitting on our tractor Funniest Memory about
the band? Cory doing the Slappin' noise. The one commandment you always seem to break? thou shall not covet If you could
name a T.V. show about your family what would it be? Ben and His Family...but mostly Ben Favorite Childhood Cartoon? Spongebob
(still is) Favorite subject of Debate? War in Iraq

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