Cory Cummings
More about the Band!
Cory Cummings
Wee-Yum Bates
Ben Coker
Battle of the Bands
Goob's Birthday
Band Foto Album

Everything you ever wanted or didn't want to know about Cory...


Instrument: Guitar/Vocals
Age: 17
Hair: Long Blonde/Brown Curls
Middle Name: Cory 
Shoe Size: 13
Status: Taken, so back off
Favorite Band: Atreyu, Rush, NOFX
Favorite Color:Green
Favorite Food: he eats everything
Favorite Movie: Crossroads (the old one...not Britney Spears eww...)
If you could drop one person off the face of the planet, who would it be? Jared From Subway
If you could tell the world one thing about yourself, what would you tell them? I love Jesus.
Favorite Thing to do indoors? Eat
Outdoors? Eat
If you could give yourself a nickname, what would it be? Stallion Hunter *wink*
What's your dream job? World Reknowned musician
Who's your best friend? Brittany
If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Brittany
Who inspires you? Jesus
What color is your bathroom? Red, Blue, White, Tan...and dark brown spots on the toliet...
Glass half empty or Half Full? Half Empty
Stupidest thing you've ever done? I stapled my fingers together by accident
Worst Grades? besides a zero? I made a 4 once on a test
Best Scar? I have one on my hand from a surgery...
Most Outrageous quote? "Your Just Jealous because I've been chatting online with hot babes all day." Napolean Dynamite
The one thing you're overly anal about? Eww...that's sounds nasty, I'm SO not answering that.
First thing you remember about when you were a kid? Lighting the Shed on Fire when I was 6.
Funniest Memory about the band? When Wee-Yum Kicked the mic and hit me in the lip.
The one commandment you always seem to break? Thou shalt not wear the same under wear for 3 weeks.
If you could name a T.V. show about your family what would it be? The Cummings Clan
Favorite Childhood Cartoon? Heathcliff
Favorite subject of Debate? I'm not smart enough to debate anything.
How do you feel about breast implants? I didn't like them at first, but after the scar went away, I came around. Plus Wee-yum enjoys them.






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